Governor Monitoring


Welcome to our governor monitoring page. Governors provide a crucial role supporting the school to achieve the very best outcomes for all your children. We undertake strategic monitoring to ensure the school’s vision is being turned into reality, ethos is being embedded and progress is being made against the strategic plan.

Once a term we are invited into school for a ‘monitoring visit’ to help inform this process. We talk to staff and pupils and observe school life. We write reports of our visits to share with other governors, and Mrs Cole discusses them with her team. 

Governor monitoring roles are reviewed annually and updated after the first meeting of the academic year.


Governor Monitoring Responsibilities


Monitoring Role Responsible Governor
Annual Contracts Review Jayne Robertson
Art Dominic Irwin
Assessment, computing and e-safety Amanda Jackson
Collective Worship Jean North
D&T Dominic Irwin
Disadvantaged Children Strategy Liz Keig
English Chris Barry
EYFS Katie Glegg
Geography Jayne Robertson
History Jayne Robertson
Maths Stephen Hall
Modern Foreign Languages Jayne Robertson
Music Dominic Irwin
PE Stephen Hall
PSHE & Relationships Education Jean North
Pupil Premium, SEND & Inclusion Liz Keig
RE  Jean North
Safeguarding/ Health & Safety (interim) Helen Wilkins
School Council  Katie Glegg
Science Linda Weston
Website Stephen Hall
Wellbeing Jayne Robertson

School Visit - General Walk



Chris Barry
Katie Glegg
Stephen Hall
Jayne Robertson